American Aluminum Accessories

Coolguard System with Alert (Temperature Monitoring Heat Alarm System)

American Aluminum Accessories Product No.CG/ALERT

Coolguard System W/Alert (Temperature Monitoring Heat Alarm System)
Protect your department’s investment of your canine partner with our in-vehicle E/Z Coolguard Temperature Monitoring & Alert System. The lethal temperature for an average size Law Enforcement K-9 is 103 to 107 degrees for approximately 5 minutes. Our E/Z Coolguard give you peace of mind and will self-activate to rapidly cool your canine when dangerous inside vehicle temperatures are detected. E/Z Coolguard comes complete with control module, 2 temperature selections (87 or 92 degrees), automatic dual window drop, high speed fan, fan guard and wiring harness, manual on/off override switch, and unique horn alarm patterns, status light indicator, and self-diagnosing alert. Installation instructions and free technical support are included. Full 1 year warranty against any defects.

Sales Office: 618-724-2780 Fax: 909-931-5013 Corp Office: 909-931-5012